Broken shop window Film in Orange County

Mitigate Earthquake Risk & Stay Compliant

Earthquake Mitigation Film for Orange County

Earthquakes are among the most destructive forces on the planet and because of the San Andreas Fault, they happen in California all the time. As a property owner, it’s not only in your best interest to mitigate earthquake risks, but also your duty as mandated by building code requirements. Our earthquake mitigation films offer Orange County businesses a cost-effective solution for bringing properties up to code and reducing hazards associated with seismic activity.

earthquake mitigation security film orange county

Get Up to Date with Building Code & Safety Requirements

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, Southern California has a 60% chance of experiencing an earthquake measuring magnitude 6.7 in the next thirty years. Bringing your property up to code with seismic mitigation requirements will not only help you with obtaining a building permit, but may also reduce your risk of being severely impacted by an earthquake in the near future.

Earthquake mitigation film offers Orange County building owners a cost-effective solution for implementing a seismic mitigation strategy and meeting building code requirements. It is an especially useful strategy for situations in which:

  • The property has windows or sections of glass which are located higher than 9 ft off the ground
  • Some or all of the windows are made from annealed glass
  • The building was constructed sometime in the 1980s or earlier
  • The building was erected at a time when seismic code requirements were far different and less strict than they are today
  • Replacing the glass would impose a considerable financial burden and retrofitting windows is a more cost-friendly solution
  • The building contains historic glass which must be preserved
earthquake mitigation film orange county

Safety Window Film for Seismic Mitigation

Did you know that noncritical structures such as windows and skylights must be included in a seismic mitigation plan? Oftentimes, property owners assume that when it comes to earthquakes, walls, floors, and ceilings are the biggest concern and focus only on preventing building collapse. However, federal agencies such as FEMA warn that noncritical structural components like windows pose just as much of a safety risk. As part of their Seismic Design Criteria, FEMA states, “Critical nonstructural components must be provided with seismic restraint.” In order words, you must secure all windows and glass areas in order for your property to be considered safe and compliant with building code criteria. 

Maintaining compliance is easier if the building is newer because most modern structures in California are built with seismic mitigation in mind. However, if the property is older or is a historic building, it’s likely that certain steps will need to be taken in order to ensure that it is safe and structurally sound. These actions need to be carried out in order for a building permit to be issued. That’s where we can help. We’ll use a durable 4 mil safety window film to engineer a solution that complies with building code requirements and allows for proper seismic mitigation.

seismic mitigation orange county

Custom Earthquake Mitigation Solutions

No two buildings are exactly the same and therefore the steps needed for seismic mitigation vary from one property to the next. We’ll help you determine what steps to take to get your building up to code and minimize earthquake risk. Here are some of the factors we’ll take into consideration as we use window film to custom design and engineer your seismic mitigation solution:

  • What type of glass is in the building and needs to be protected
  • The location of the glass and how high it is off the ground
  • The amount of shift that can occur within the existing glazing pocket
  • The appropriate type of window film that must be used for compliance
  • Whether or not there is a not to use structural silicone as an attachment system
earthquake mitigation film orange county

Protect Your Building from Earthquakes & Minimize Seismic Risk

When an earthquake happens, will you be ready? Take steps now to protect your property from future damage. Call our office today to discuss using window films as part of an engineered solution for seismic mitigation in Orange County or any other city on the West Coast.